


Promoting interventions that maintain and improve the ability of rural communities to derive food and livelihoods from their local environment is a crucial component of RJSS Program. Rural communities are highly dependent upon forests, watersheds and natural resources for their sustenance. However, due to climatic conditions and poor geographical accessibility, many communities experience difficulties in maintaining a productive environment and sufficient employment opportunities throughout the year.

RJSS conducts many training programs for the community which includes:

The VLCPC is a community based organization formed by the participation of community member, children, Government functionaries and elected representatives. These VLCPCs are established in each village for prevention, reporting, monitoring, protection and responding on the issues of child right and protection.

Several trainings on skill development, health & hygiene, food & nutrition etc. have been provided by the organization to strengthen and capacitate the adolescents.

There are total 12 Kisan Clubs where 316 members are presently active. The organization has conducted trainings for the capacity building of Farmers’ Club members. In this training program, different livelihood opportunities like Goatry, New techniques of Agriculture, Fisheries, Organic Farming, and Mushroom Cultivation etc. is being introduced to the farmers. The members are also made aware of different government schemes.

Various trainings on safe motherhood, nutritional food making with locally available food, breast feeding, monitoring and supporting supervision, roles and responsibilities of Mata Samiti etc. have been provided to the members of Mata Samiti.

Trainings on the roles and responsibilities of SMC , school development plan, kitchen garden, sports and culture, study tour for the children, election process etc. have been conducted by the organization.

The main objective of Teachers training is to develop the learning capacity of the children about the significance of learning level assessments, retention of the children, right to education, age appropriate learning, and age appropriate sitting in the classroom etc. Through this training program:

  • The marginalized community has been trained as a leader which enhanced their Decision Making ability
  • Women were empowered under Gender Empowerment Process and they are contributing economically to their family
  • Farmers have been trained about the climate resilient agriculture, which they are practicing properly
  • Youth group have been empowered and they are now able to identify innovative employment opportunities
  • The reference groups have accessed their rights and entitlement under different government schemes
  • The common property resources have been generated, which are being used by the community
  • Communities got aware of their rights
  • The focused villages have appointed their representatives who are addressing the religious issues

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